Please let us know as soon as you can. It is critical that ALL
of the Pairers are notified.
You will receive a confirming e-mail from the person doing the
pairings for that particular tournament.
If you don't get a confirmation you should send it again, and /or
If you are scheduled to play, but fail to appear without notifying us
by 6:00 PM the day before the tournament, you will be
considered a “No Show” and will forfeit the $6.00 prize fee.
The rest of your entry fee will be refunded. If the tournament has
a Waiting List and we are not notified by 6:00 PM, none of the Refund will be paid.
If you notify us by
6:00 PM the night before, we will tear up your check
If you do not reach the Committee to withdraw from a tournament,
call the course and have them inform us so we can change the cart riders in your group, if needed.
Late Entry - Withdrawal